Johann Signature
Representing simplicity with its name, Johann Signature also reveals a taste for expertise, and the rare high-quality raw materials with which its perfumes are developed. Exploring a new style of fragrance, the House has chosen to work with great Parisian and Grassois perfumers, attached to the excellence stemming from the global birthplace of haute perfumery. This is a collection of fragrances that intensely intertwines the narrative richness of the East with the sophisticated and streamlined motifs of the great perfumes of the West. Portraying a hitherto unseen sensorial landscape, both feminine and masculine, its compositions see fragrant new islands rise, their imaginary worlds peopled with perfumes and candles, as well as home fragrance and cosmetic gift sets. Join us on this poetic and exclusive journey, where each numbered creation opens a highly personal emotional pathway.
Now launched in London.